Online Bingo gets ever more popular

5:42 pm January 31, 2011 | posted in Bingo News

Online BingoWhile it’s a terrible shame to see popular bingo venues closing, playing online bingo represents an economical away for players to get that vital bingo fix.  And with prices of land-based bingo only set to rise in the coming years, playing online looks like it might become a far more popular option.

In a bid to raise money, local authorities are set to increase the cost of licences for bingo halls and betting shops.  Ultimately, this rise will be passed on to members, who will see the difference, with more expensive games and smaller jackpots. One bingo hall in East Riding, Yorkshire, has seen its licence increase by 60% a year alone.

While we feel it is vital that you support your local bingo hall, trying out bingo online is an exciting way to play.  With some 400 sites in the UK alone, many offering no deposit bonuses, playing online is a fun, safe and interesting way to pass the time.  Players don’t have to do get across town, pay for public transport and buy expensive drinks, but the downside is a lack of social contact.  Online bingo combats this by having chat rooms, which are lively places to meet new friends and mingle with like-minded players.

We believe a true bingo player should enjoy both types of bingo, but only if the pocket is looked after first.

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